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Perinatal Wellbeing Service

Having a baby can be a really exciting and magical time. However for many people it can also be a very challenging and difficult experience. From issues with conception to difficult pregnancies and birth traumas, the journey to meeting your baby can be challenging and stressful. Once your baby arrives, the impact of caring for a newborn can be overwhelming. The impact of a baby on a persons identity, relationships and lifestyle can be significant. These difficulties and challenges are both common and understandable.  

As a service we specialise in supporting mums, dads and the wider family with the conception & pregnancy journey as well as supporting families to adjust to life with a newborn and / or young children. We aim to provide a warm, empathic & non-judgemental space to process and make sense of your journey & experiences. 

Support typically includes a reflective & emotional processing space to help you to make sense of your thoughts, feelings and experiences, as well as a skills-building space to develop tools, techniques & strategies to manage emotions & physical sensations. 

Issues we support with include:

  • IVF journeys

  • Miscarriages & baby loss

  • Pregnancy stress

  • Antenatal anxiety & depression 

  • Postnatal anxiety & depression

  • Birth trauma

  • Parental identity issues 

  • Relationship issues

  • Attachment and bonding issues

  • Parental wellbeing in the early years 

We provide a variety of support options including:

postnatal depression counselling

Meet Our Perinatal Specialists

counsellor post natal depression
psychologist post natal depression
Clinical Psychologist
counsellor pregnancy
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