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Third-Wave Employee Support Scheme

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Our Employee Assistance Programme, TESS, provides online wellbeing support to the workforces of businesses & organisations across the UK. TESS provides a variety of different support services & packages to ensure a flexible & responsive service designed to meet your organisational needs. It can also be accessed directly by individuals & employees independently looking for workplace staff wellbeing support, coaching or careers support.


Services include:

  • Staff Counselling

  • Wellbeing Workshops

  • Reflective Practice Sessions

  • Clinical Supervision 

For a detailed overview of our Third Wave Psychologists Employee Support Service, please do check out our brochure here.


Our Employee Counselling Service provides psychological and emotional support of varying levels of intensity. Working within a 'stepped-care' model of service delivery, low intensity support includes a one-off single session or ad-hoc access to counselling sessions as required. Moderate intensity support includes attending 6 sessions to work towards a therapy goal. High intensity support includes 20 sessions of focused psychological therapy or counselling support. 

Support sessions can be contracted on a case-by-case basis or through block booking a pre-authorised number of sessions. This ensures your organisation is in control of the level of intervention contracted for your workforce members, ensuring support is tailored and cost-effective.

Sessions are delivered by a team of highly skilled counsellors and

psychologists who specialise in staff wellbeing. Appointments are delivered

remotely through our secure virtual appointment system Clinix.


We facilitate a range of online wellbeing workshops that support the workforce to cope with a range of common mental health issues. The workshops involve supporting attendees to develop skills to manage emotional difficulties such as stress, anxiety, low mood and anger.


Current workshops include:

  • Stress Management

  • Anxiety Management

  • Mood Management

  • Anger Management

  • Relaxation & Wellbeing

  • Mindfulness Skills Development

  • Living Well with Long Term Physical Health Conditions


Reflective practice sessions consist of a safe, shared space for members of the workforce to come together and reflect on practices and events in the workplace. This may involve de-briefing after an incident, sharing examples and learning from good practice or learning from times where things may have gone wrong. It may also involve emotional processing and the development of self-care and self-management tools and strategies. Further, there may be a CPD element to the sessions, enabling staff to develop professional skills to address difficulties in the future. 


Clinical supervision is an essential requirement for many clinical professions such as healthcare workers, counsellors, therapists and psychologists. Supervision sessions are tailored to the needs of the clinician(s), and typically encompass case management, reflective practice and skills development components. Supervision sessions are available on a one-to-one or group basis and can be scheduled regularly or on an ad-hoc basis.

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