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What Is Coaching?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Coaching is a supportive space that facilitates self-development, both personally & professionally, aiding optimal performance & the achievement of your full potential. Coaching supports you to identify your aims, objectives & goals in your personal life & in your career, & facilitates an exploration of ways to work effectively towards achieving these.

The focus of coaching is on action & change - identifying areas in your life & career that you are dissatisfied with & exploring ways to strengthen or make improvements in these areas. Sessions may involve:

  • Identifying or clarifying life or career directions, goals & objectives

  • Identifying & addressing barriers to goal attainment e.g. self-limiting beliefs

  • Facilitating the development of new skills & competencies e.g. interpersonal skills

  • Enhancing or drawing on existing transferable skills, strengths & knowledge 

Psychological Coaching 

Psychological coaching offers a supportive, nurturing & reflective space to support personal & professional development & growth, helping you to reach your goals & achieve your full potential. This is achieved through the utilisation of psychological models & theories to understand human functioning & enhance self-awareness, self-knowledge & effective self-management.


The benefit of psychological coaching is that psychologists possess highly specialist knowledge & understanding of the human condition. This enables an elevated exploration & understanding of the psychological barriers to change & goal attainment such as self-limiting beliefs, lowered self-esteem & a negative sense of self. Psychological coaching can aid with enhancing ones self-knowledge & self-awareness; facilitating a deeper understanding of ones self-concept, identity & relational templates that inform & shape relational & behavioural patterns in both your personal & professional life. 

Further, psychologists are trained in a variety of approaches to address such factors. These approaches ​can support the development of many relevant skills, including assertive communication techniques, autonomic relaxation techniques & problem-solving skills. They can also help with effectively modifying the unhelpful thought  processes & patterns & heightened emotional affect that may impede optimal performance & achievement of your goals.

What Can Psychological Coaching Help With?

  • Navigating career or organisational change & transitions

  • Clarifying personal & professional direction

  • Identifying personal & professional goals or objectives

  • Exploring & identifying unhelpful relational or behavioural patterns

  • Interpersonal skills development

  • Relational success

  • Identity exploration

  • Personal development & growth

  • Achieving optimal functioning in the home & workplace

  • Achievement of lifestyle goals & ambitions

  • Health & wellbeing goals & objectives

  • Values-based living

Different Types of Coaching


Lifestyle Coaching

Lifestyle coaching focuses on supporting you to identify & clarify personal goals, hopes, aims or objectives & work towards these. Lifestyle coaching typically focuses on personal growth, understanding of the self & identity, interpersonal development & achievement of personal goals e.g. hobbies, sports, relationships, missions etc.

The areas of focus for coaching sessions may include:

  • Growing interpersonal connections

  • Improving relationships

  • Developing interpersonal skills 

  • Achieving personal ambitions

  • Progressing in a sport or hobby

  • Identity exploration

  • Lifestyle & role transitions e.g. becoming a parent, retirement

Career Coaching

Career coaching focuses on supporting you to perform effectively in your work life. It supports you to thrive in your career or role, focusing on personal & professional growth, skills acquisition, understanding of the self in relation to others & supporting optimal interpersonal effectiveness.

The areas of focus for coaching sessions may include:

  • Career progression

  • Change in career

  • Improving workplace performance

  • Organisational development 

  • Professional growth

  • Workplace skills development

  • Becoming more effective in the workplace

  • Interpersonal & communicational skills development

  • Leadership skills

  • Facilitation skills

  • Presentation skills

  • Navigating organisational change

  • Navigating role changes & transitions e.g. retirement

coaching bristol


Increased sense of direction 

Clarification of goals & objectives

Increased goal attainment

Optimal workplace functioning

Improved interpersonal effectiveness

Enhanced self-awareness & self-knowledge

Self-management of barriers to success

Enhanced work-life balance

Healthy & values-based living

Specialist Coaching for the Psychological Professions

We provide specialist coaching for the psychological professions (qualified, trainee & aspiring counsellors, psychologists, psychotherapists, CBT therapists), supporting those in the profession to reflect on & develop their own practice, both clinically & professionally. 

Sessions typically reflect a combination of supervision & coaching - supporting the professional to identify their ambitions, aims, goals & objectives & work towards achieving these through skills acquisition & addressing internal & external barriers. Sessions often include a reflective & exploratory space, as well as a practical, skills-based learning component. 

Themes we support with: include:


Career Transitions


Organisational Conflict


Private Practice Development


Role Development


Skills Development


Health & Wellbeing Coaching

Health & wellbeing coaching focuses on supporting you to live a physically & psychologically healthy lifestyle. This type of coaching supports you to explore your health-related goals & engage in nourishing, fulfilling & health-enriching behavioural changes.


​​The areas of focus for coaching sessions may include:

  • Making & sustaining changes

  • Creating healthy habits

  • Values-based living

  • Setting health-related goals

  • Developing health-related skills, tools & techniques ​


How Does Coaching Differ from Therapy?


​​​The most significant way that coaching differs from therapy is the focus of sessions. Therapy tends to focus on resolving a problem, typically a mental health, physical health or relational problem. In coaching, the focus is on self-development, personal growth & skills acquisition. Of course, these things often occur in therapy, however the focus in coaching is more on solution-acquisition rather than problem-resolution. The style of coaching also differs from therapy. Coaching tends to be more non-directive than many of the different therapy approaches.  ​That being said, there is often significant overlap between the two approaches & many therapy techniques are drawn on in coaching & many coaching techniques are drawn on in therapy.​​​


How Does Coaching Differ from Therapy?

Again the central difference is often the focus of sessions & the work. The focus of supervision sessions is often on case & workload management. ​Another key difference is whether sessions are open-ended or time-limited. Coaching is usually time-limited, with a set number of sessions agreed at the outset. Supervision tends to be an ongoing commitment that is required by a professional body.​In psychological coaching this may differ, in that the client may prefer to have an open-ended approach where they can schedule ad-hoc reviews & check-ins. ​Once again, there is often significant overlap between the two approaches & many aspects of supervision are relevant to coaching such as reflective practice, skills acquisition & professional growth. Indeed the two approaches can compliment each other well & many healthcare professionals often opt for a combination of a coaching & supervision approach, particularly those working in private practice. 

Third Wave Coaching provides highly specialist career, lifestyle & health & wellbeing coaching across Bristol, South Gloucestershire & the UK. We provide coaching to organisations & individuals. If you wish to contract coaching for yourself or your organisation or employees please do get in touch for a complimentary consult. To get in touch please call 0117 456 24 79 or complete our contact form here


DURATION:      60 minutes

COST:             £150.00 per session

DURATION:      90 minutes

COST:             £200.00 per session

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